A Special Message about
11:11 Light Codes for 2017
Shanta Gabriel
Synchronicity abounds for this most sacred New Year’s Blessing! Here’s the story.
On December 1, I began an 11-day spiritual ritual. More than 50 people joined me, before the busyness of the holidays would come, to create a dedicated spiritual practice to Birth New Light within us and for the Earth. It also helped set a good tone for the holidays to come.
It was such a delicious experience that many said they did not want to stop. I personally loved our dedicated practice so much that I vowed to begin 2017, from January 1 to January 11, with another 11-day spiritual ritual to honor the new beginnings and transformation this numeric 1 year brings. (For those not familiar with numerology, each digit of 2017 adds up to 10, which is then reduced to 1.)
Over this busy month, I received emails from several people about the influx of the Sacred Feminine energy that was building, and my own messages from Archangel Gabriel concurred.
Then last week, I received a newsletter from Patricia Cota Robles who said, “Your Light is Needed Now!” She spoke about the download of Light from the Mother Mary and the importance of grounding this light on the planet…wait for it…from January 1 to January 11! She said because 2017 is a 1 year, it activates the 11:11 codings for Divinity in our DNA.
I was excited to think that thousands of people will also be doing a dedicated spiritual practice at the beginning of the New Year. I told my new Web angel, Andrea, about my idea of doing another group ritual. On the same day, she received an email from a dear friend who forwarded Patricia’s newsletter to her. When she told me about it, I got chicken skin!
Please Join us for Anusthan!

As thousands of people join in anchoring the awakening of the 11:11 Light of Divinity into their own DNA, we also are supported by the Archangels who use that 11:11 frequency to open the sacred gateways into the realms of Intentional Manifestation.
I am doing a short Sanskrit mantra for the Welfare of All Beings, and you are invited to join me for a more structured practice. My guru called this dedicated practice an Anusthan, and it holds ancient powers to bless not only those who are involved, but to radiate special blessings into the world.
Whether you join me or not, please take the time from January 1 to January 11 for your own focused intentions. These frequencies bring the perfected patterns of Awakening into the hearts and minds of all humanity and bring great blessings to the Earth for 2017.
Please register here
A Message from Archangel Gabriel about the Anusthan
As I completed my Anusthan on December 11, I received this message from Archangel Gabriel. We will be receiving a message from Archangel Gabriel every day as a special blessing to our spiritual practice for 2017.
Dear Ones,
You are in an evolution of shifting consciousness. Just as the Dawn lights up the day, and dark follows the day into night, so are you shifting and changing.
At times it may be so subtle that even those around you will not notice. Other times it comes with the gift of more radical change. You may shift into a higher frequency in such an illuminating way that you leave behind all that you have known. It may feel like your world crumbled around you, but it was you who shifted realities.
Make no mistake. Your soul will use every opportunity to get your attention so you can bring more conscious awareness into the evolution taking place within you and on the Earth.
Create new connections to that part of you that has been freed and is now functioning with greater expansion. Know that you have leaped into new dimensional realities with your commitment to your spiritual practice and that you are not the same person that began this evolution so many days ago. Your body is now recalibrating, so continue to give yourself the space to breathe very deeply and sink into your heart.
With this practice, you have developed new fortitude within your spirit for daily life. As the month progresses, new realities will continue to open. When you are in the midst of a crowd or a gathering of people, you will have an exquisite opportunity to come back into Alignment and make sure your energy field is filled with the light of Well-being, Fortitude and Love. You will be able to know that you are irrevocably linked to the power of Peace and Harmony within your soul’s highest reality.
It is vitally important that you remember to slow down and breathe deeply as things feel like they are speeding up. Know that Love you carry in your heart is a radiant blessing. Don’t expect anyone to notice any difference in you or to know that you have been immersed in Light for all these days of the Anusthan. You are in this space at this time here on Earth to be a radiant light to the world without expectation of return.
Allow all of Life to respond to that beautiful frequency and feel how much you are loved.
Throughout every moment, remember that all is well. And so it is.
Archangel Gabriel
"This has been an amazing month. The Anusthan has allowed me to create a discipline for my daily life with amazing results. Thank you Shanta. I am Blessed."
Holiday Anusthan Participant
I Invite you to Join Me
to Anchor the 11:11 Light Codes of the Divine Feminine to create Well-being on the Earth for 2017!

You will be receiving a very practical and clear multi-page Anusthan Booklet when you register. It contains all the guidelines, mantras, affirmations and information you need to create and empower your Anusthan.This special Anusthan is offered to you by donation. I am not charging for the practice but for the technical skills required to contribute to the global awakening by making this offering to an international group of heart-centered beings dedicated to anchoring the Light of Well-being in the world.
All that I do is through the gifts of my guru and the blessings of Archangel Gabriel who is dedicated to bringing the Awakening Light to the world.
"I feel like there is so much information out there on how to work on your thoughts, how to live your life to the fullest, etc. But I don't think there is much on how to ground yourself so that the rest of that work can fall into place. So I just wanted to thank you for giving me such a beautiful gift."
Holiday Anusthan Participant
Please register here
About Shanta

For more information about her classes, private sessions and products, visit her site at www.ShantaGabriel.com.
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