Archangel Michael Explains
How the Plan Unfolds in the Midst of Creative Chaos
Channeled via Linda Dillon, Council of Love.
on December 15, 2016

unknown artist / Lakshmi Vishnu
Hour with an Angel, December 15, 2016
Link to the show audio.
Linda Dillon Channel for Council of Love
Steve Beckow Host, InLight Radio
Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael, I am Mi-ki-el, Archangel of peace, warrior of love, bringer of news, and a thousand other titles throughout the universe. Welcome my beloveds, my family, my allies, and, might I say, my peaceful warriors. Welcome to this time of further, greater, deeper, higher expansion of the assumption of your creator selves, of the anchoring of those creations in physicality upon your beloved planet of Gaia.
While I speak to the hearts and the minds and the bodies of those of you who tune in tonight – and I thank you for doing so – I also use this venue to speak to every being upon this planet. And, I ask that my voice, my energy, my message, and the divine instruction of the Mother go forth and be heard on every level across this wondrous place you call Gaia.
The time of excitement, of awe, of wonder, of understanding the truth of your role is truly upon you. And, some of you scoff and you say, “But, Michael, I have understood my role for a long time.” Might I suggest to you, beloved ones, that this comes in layers. That in your role, in your life, in your journey, up close and personal and global and universal, there is always more. Just as there is always more to the plan and the infinite wonder of our Mother, Father, One.
Sweet angels of light, it is time for celebration. No, not only because in your various calendars and traditions it is that season. What I am talking about is that it is time for celebration that you are embodying the fullness of who you are. You are not only acknowledging or accepting the fact of your creator self, you are stepping in, you are anchoring and you are bringing forth this Garden of Eden of various creations. And no, let me be very clear, it is not fully dependent upon any kind of situation, whether you call it politics or RV’s or world peace, because you are the creators, the anchors, and the implementers of so many of these variables, these elements, these aspects of Nova Earth.
I do not deny – the Mother, most certainly, does not deny – that you need your tools of the trade, your equipment, your wherewithal to proceed. That is a given. But, before that comes, what the channel has talked about, and that is the flexible steel, the malleable titanium of will, that depth of determination to go forth and to do your bidding no matter what. Now, I would like to veer away for a moment, because you have asked me, well, you have strongly suggested, that you would like to know or to review briefly this understanding of dimensionality.
Steve Beckow: Lord, if I can just intervene for a moment. I think the precise question, if I am correct, was that there just seems to be so much chaos around us. Is this an indication that we are in the sixth dimension of creative chaos?
AAM: It is absolutely correct. You have ascended! Now, while we suggest that it is not a hierarchy of dimensions, in fact it is a progression, so let us use this terminology. You have moved and you are on the cusp of the fifth dimension and the sixth dimension. The fifth dimension, as you know, is where you have been learning and mastering the management of change. And, I would suggest to you that you have been in radical change, both internally as individuals and externally as human beings for some time in this expansion of your energy field and in the bleed-through, or the taste, of what it means to be fully in the love, to be the love.
As you are moving into the sixth dimension, this is the dimension [where] the qualities [are] of creative chaos. Now, many of you, and you have just said, dear Steve, that this feels like chaos. Now, one of the first choices I am placing before you is, do you want it to be chaos or do you want it to be creative chaos? What looks to you like mayhem and chaos is this grand opportunity, out of this mix, to bring forth the birth and the aspects, the experience, the tangible, physical reality of the beauty of Nova Earth, of Nova beings, of ascension into the seventh dimension of Christ consciousness and love.
Think of the examples of chaos. Let us move slightly away, and then we will return, from your politics and your financial systems and the war that is waging, all over your planet, really. Think of the death of a star, or the birth of a planet.
Even the birth of the child, of an infant, in those hours or moments when the mother is in labor, if you were to ask her, through the varying emotional stages and the physical reality of pain, that would be the very definition of chaos, of pushing and feeling that you must escape, that you want this over and done with, and yet at the same time, this deep abiding wonder and awe and excitement. And, the result is the birth of the child. Out of that chaos comes new life, new existence, new reality. And, it will never be the same.
Once that child, that creation is brought into the world, not only is the planet never the same, the family is never the same. There is new life, new existence, new script. So, what you are experiencing now is the birth of what looks like, and I will address this – entire mayhem. It has been messy and painful and really not making a lot of sense.
So, let us go back. There are those, and I have said this elsewhere and I will say it repeatedly until all of you understand; there are those upon your planet who would like to reinvent, rebuild, reconstruct the old third dimension. Now, that is chaos at its finest. Let us also be clear that the vigor, the commitment to that rebuilding of the old third, is as strong as it was at the initial stages of that construction.
That level of desire to bring back the old is extraordinarily strong. Because what they are doing in many ways, your terminology might be, they want to bring back the good old days. But, in fact they were not good old days. It was some of the darkest periods of humanity. The last, especially, hundred years of human history has been violent and aggressive, and cruel and controlling.
The chaos with which this small group wishes to reconstruct humanity into the old paradigm will not be permitted. We need to be very clear about that. It is not that we interfere or intervene – well, we do intervene – but we do not interfere or override human free will or anybody’s free will for that matter. But, we do place variables, situations, people in place that redirect energies.
The old third is gone. It is but a memory and what you are seeing and witnessing is twofold: there are those who are finishing up, playing out those memories, and then there are those who wish to reconstruct the old. While the memories of the old third and the nature of those disasters need to be kept in place – vague, but clear enough that they are not repeated – the physical reconstruction of that old third dimension, which was never the Mother’s third, of the expression of physicality, form, space, etc., it will not happen.
So, there is this churning energy. And, you can think of it as a pot on a stove that is boiling over with water or foam, or whatever is in the pot. It matters not. What is happening, you are the creators, but we are helping you as well. It is important that this pot overflow and make a terrible mess on your stove, your counter, your kitchen. Because, then you are very clear about what the mess is and everybody who comes into the kitchen or into the house can see, “Oh, you’ve had a real mess here. What happened?”
But, make no mistake about it. You aren’t going to leave that mess on your stove, in the pot on the counter indefinitely. It is going to be cleared up, and the heat is going to be turned off. But, this is a lesson, an experience that the third dimension is presenting through the various players. But, it is not creation. It is not of love. It is not sustainable. It is entirely illusion.
Now, why am I spending time emphasizing this? Because you, my beloved brothers and sisters are pivotal, are critical in looking at this illusion, at this mess, and simply seeing it for what it is. It is another situation to be observed, to send love and light into, but not to engage in, because that is not the reality.
So, what you are doing in the sixth dimension of creative chaos is you are taking what looks like fundamental disruption and molding it, carving it, sculpting it into that which you desire. It is yet another opportunity, not merely for light workers and love holders, but for all of you. That is why I address the entire planet. It is the opportunity for all of you to say, “This is not where we choose to place our energies. This is not what we choose to create. This is not where we choose to live. This is not acceptable. We are doing something entirely different.”
And you are using your creator selves, in tandem with your star family, in tandem with the angelic realm, in tandem with the masters and the archangels, to step forth as the true implementers of the Mother’s plan. This apparent chaos is nothing but a distraction. And does it have some malign intent? Yes, by those who do not know better? Yes.
But it is not your distraction. It is not your chaos. You can observe it, move the pot off the stove, turn off the heat. But, you aren’t going to jump into that boiling water and join. So, there is chaos on several fronts and you only know about a few of them. And, they are showing you, again, might we say some of the worst of human behavior. The slaughter, and I do not mince words, the slaughter that has been taking place in Aleppo is criminal. And, I use that word very specifically in terms of human history, legalities, treaties, understandings. It is the killing of the innocent.
Now, that is chaos and the opportunity is to say ‘No.’ Now, dearest Steve, you would say to me, “But we as light workers have been saying ‘No.’ And yet the slaughter has continued.” Do not think – because it is a mental process you are undergoing – do not think that your ‘No’ is not resounding across the planet. Do not think that your heartfelt love and horror of what is going on is not felt across the planet.
And, many of you, an enormous number of you, are in fact holding the hands of those who are departing, holding the hands and protecting many. Many of you are working with me there and various places. So, do not think that your work and your undertakings are not recognized and having effect. They are.
Are they apparent to you? No, because right now what you are doing is cleaning up the mess. But, when you step back, and I mean very shortly, when you step back and you look, you will say, “Oh that’s what that’s about. That was about us saying the genocide is not acceptable, that murder is not acceptable. That lying and hatred in your political scenarios is not acceptable.
So, these are choices that are being made very clear to you. But, the idea and the guidance from our side – and when I say from our side, I mean from all of us – do not engage in the chaos. Look at it and use it to create what you desire. Now, where do you wish to begin, my friend?
SB: Well, I’m very much torn, Lord, because on the one hand I do know what you’re saying and I do know what the clarion call is and my desire would be to respond to it. But, on the other hand, I feel a tremendous tug from my projection of what the listeners might be saying or thinking. Whereas I would respond to your call and talk about emergence and expansion and these necessary processes that we now need to take in hand, I think that the listeners would like to know what is actually going on in the world.
Again, is abundance in the offing? And, I’m sure everybody wants me to ask about that. The American election, it’s like chaos. What is going to happen in America, if it’s known? It may not be known. But disclosure, are we closer? Are we still in a standoff? Ascension, of course, it’s a process, but any news about what’s next in Ascension?
So, do you know what I’m saying? I leave it up to you which you want to address. How about if I scurry away and try to get away from this responsibility?
AAM: May I scurry away with you, my friend?
SB: Yes! Let’s go play! Exactly! You can tell me about something you told me in 2014, the family secrets of the Archangels.
AAM: Oh, it is much easier to explain the current chaos.
SB: (Laughter) Okay, I’ll leave you to it.
AAM: Let us back up again and say this is the time as a light worker, as a creator, as a love being, where you are being asked to bring the highest, most refined part of yourself to the forefront, to be the observer and the participant. Now, hold that thought and hold that energy in your heart. Let us start with the American elections and then we can move on to grander things, things that truly matter such as abundance and disclosure and ascension.
But, using the American election is a good example of the chaos that people are feeling, chaos, not creative chaos and there has need to be a very fine distinction here. What you have seen is upheaval of a magnitude that, shall we say, most beings, human beings upon the planet did not anticipate. And, that is putting it mildly. The expression of the American people has been one of disgust, disdain, disappointment, disenchantment, all the disses you can think of. With the system, as it has been, they have felt disenfranchised.
Now, as an aside, I will say to you that they have felt this sense of disenfranchisement at a time when you have had a very strong leadership of star brother at the helm. So, dissatisfaction and the sense of disconnection have not necessarily been rooted in factuality. This sense of disconnection, of dissatisfaction, has come from the sense, a human yearning – which is a good thing, for more – for more engagement, more access, more equality, the elimination of the disparity and inequality.
Now, how it has expressed has not been in the best way, shall we put it that way. But, you even saw the roots of that dissatisfaction and feelings of disenchantment with Bernie Sanders. From our perspective, it is very unfortunate that this one was not brought forward as the viable candidate. But these are human choices and we stand back and we only comment now and then.
The choice was for radical change or for status quo. And, again, based on much information and disinformation, many lies, many fantasies – it matters not because this is now ancient history – the people of this country have basically been equally divided. We’re not talking about who is the final victor, but basically, the opinions, the votes, have been pretty equally divided for those who wish radical change no matter what, and those who are willing to live with the status quo regardless and no matter what. Neither is truly a viable choice.
Neither, well, we’ll leave it at that. Let us say it this way. Neither choice, without some adjustments – and we’re talking divine adjustments here – is a viable vehicle for the creation of Nova Earth. And, let me be clear when I speak of Nova Earth, I am speaking of this planet of love, this planet of joy, of equality, of fairness, of gentleness and of strength. It is not about divisiveness. It is about unity and cooperation and co-creation, not merely co-creation with us, but co-creation with one another.
So, this microcosm of the United States of America is a good place to look at. So, now, you have someone, yes, Donald Trump, who steps forth as the apparent presidential candidate or president elect. What this declaration on both sides indicates to all of you in this microcosm of the U.S. is that there has been a human choice to learn some very difficult lessons and to walk through the chaos, not creative chaos, but to create chaos because even that is preferable to what is in existence. So, this has been a collective human decision. Not one that we necessarily feel was the wisest choice, but nevertheless, the one that is being respected.
Now will there be some tough lessons to be learned and you are only seeing the surface? Yes. But it isn’t about the lies or the sexism or the disregard for whatever, there are many disregards. It is about the human light workers’ reaction to how the light is going to infuse this chaotic situation and bring re-creation of the new – not of the old third – out of that into the light of the planet that is welcoming of your star family, that is welcoming of reorganization, of financial freedom.
Now, having said that, there is also simultaneously – and I do not mean to create cognitive dissonance – but this is where you are holding two rather opposing ideas at the same time. At the same time as you are inserting light into that chaos, what you are also doing is going on to your own pathways that do not necessarily engage that chaos but creates the new. And, when you speak of abundance, that has always been why I have suggested to you, that your spiritual currency is what anchors and prepares you for the ability to go forth with the responsibility, the stewardship of creating Nova Earth.
So, as implementers of Nova Earth, while you will be sending light and love and creative energy into that melee, you will also be going on a separate track and creating a world that works for everyone so that you are not dependent upon those who wish to engage in the chaos, that you are going forward in the creation of alternate routes. And, what happens in those, what we will call alternate routes, is that they gain such credibility and power in the true meaning of the word, that they become the status quo. In that alternate route, your star family, the cities of light, the completion of ascension, all of that is present. And it, as it gains momentum, it overrides that pettiness of that other situation.
Now, I know that I have given you food for a million questions, my friend.
SB: Well, actually, Lord, I was going to say you just laid out the plan, didn’t you?
AAM: Yes. I did.
SB: That is the plan. Okay. So, let’s savor that for a moment. You’ve said that – I imagine that you, the mighty ones, all the angelic orders and the galactics and the ascended masters are managing the worst aspects of the chaos. They are preventing it from getting out of hand. And we are exercising our choices and coming to realizations. And, then, on the other hand, the wherewithal to build Nova Earth is going to be introduced and we will march forward in that area, keeping an eye on the other area over here, but building the new, which will attract people who are currently watching the chaos, into the building. Then this other side [Team Dark] will shrink.
AAM: That is correct. It will supplant the old. Think of it, what we have said, is that all this confusion about this American election came from the internal disenchantment, the feeling of disenfranchisement the people were feeling with the external structures and infrastructures and power structures. So, I say see this alternative path that is very ethical, full of integrity, stalwart, but also strong, vibrant, vivacious, attractive…a better way of being. They will migrate.
SB: Is that necessarily a good thing? We’ll have to work with them.
AAM: You are working with them, my friend. You already are. Do not think – and we would never encourage you to think or feel – that you as light workers are operating within a, what you would think of as a closed system. Quite the contrary, and that is why you get so upset at times.
Let us go back to 2012. Collectively, humanity decided to ascend as one. So, that system, the system of your Earth, of Gaia, is the system within which – and it is actually beyond that – that you are operating. So, the light workers have been working with the recalcitrant, the dissonant, the disinterested for a very long time. And, there is part of you that has felt that you have been banging your head against a brick wall.
Well, let us tell you, the Mother has a million tricks up her sleeve, literally. There is not a single minute variable that cannot and is not adjusted. So, if you have thought, and I know many of you have felt and cried out in the night that you are a voice crying in the wilderness, what we are saying is come with us on this alternate route, continuing to send love and light into that melee, but come with us on this alternate route. Walk with us, walk with Jesus, and, in that, those who have not been listening will say, “Look over there. That looks far more attractive. I guess what they were saying makes sense after all.” And they will follow.
SB: Sounds like a trip with the ‘Spirit of Christmas Present,’ Lord.
AAM: Does it not?
SB: What you’re giving us right now is a view of the big picture, a view of what’s actually happening. Are we going to be here a year from now still talking about something called abundance? And, I’m not extending that to disclosure, but, how about ascension? Are we still going to be here a year from now?
AAM: We will be here, well, I was about to say a thousand years, and a hundred years, you know, talking about this. But, it will not be in the same context. That is really your question. It is the eternal question of when that you are sneaking in, are you not?
SB: (Laughter) That’s right! They pay me to dress it up, you know.
AAM: The answer is we will not be here next year, or even next month, talking about this in the same context.
SB: Because, you do know we are all very tired, very tired of waiting. I feel obliged to express that from my view of the emails that I receive.
AAM: Well, do you not know that we know what tired feels like?
SB: (Laughter.) Yes, but, you are all sitting there in bliss with the divine equivalent of the tequila sunrise in your hands…
AAM: Except while we have to deal with the human chaos.
SB: (Laughter.) That is exactly so. How are we doing with disclosure and how are we doing with ascension, Lord?
AAM: Everything, in terms of your galactic and intergalactic friends, family is in place. Many, oh, well, that is putting it mildly, many are positioned upon the planet and you are all running into the new day awake, whether you realize it or not. Most of you have your “ET” sensors on, and, so you are acknowledging them. So, from the side of your star family, all is in order and waiting in readiness.
Now, having said that, you are in, as we have just discussed, a tumultuous time. The plan had been that there would be disclosure, through Obama, by year end. Given the instability in China, Russia, Korea and the United States, and their tendency to engage missiles which we have been intercepting along with your star family – no, not all of them unfortunately – but that is, we are waiting for a quieter moment because your political environment, might I say, not your armed forces, let us be clear about that, your military – and I speak for all these nations – is in fact, at this moment, quite peace loving.
But your political environments are very volatile and very aggressive and willing to use missiles. And, so we do not want, in any way, to allow any form of perceived aggression to take place. So, what I am suggesting to you is some roller coasters ahead in the next couple of months that will seek the transfer of power of what you think of as leadership in several countries.
When that has taken place and completed, and it is already begun, what you will see is that there will be full disclosure.
SB: Thank you. That’s exciting.
AAM: It is very exciting! Can you imagine the difference just with star technology? How much easier human life will be in terms of healing, and living, and communications and travel. There is so much that your star friends are eager to share. The most excitement simply comes with the promise of reunion. You know, there are many of you who visit the ships regularly, as you know, some of you consciously, some of you not. Many of you not. But there is the same process that is taking place with your star family. And they are as eager and as excited to visit you. Yes, there are the treaties. There are the shifts in structure and technology. But, the being-to-being, the unity and community is what they are most excited and anticipating. They can’t wait. And, they, in terms of the patient quotient that you were speaking of, have been waiting a very long time. So, yes, patience is a stellar virtue.
SB: (Chuckling.) Stellar virtue. Well, I might add another dimension of it too, Lord, and that’s the arrival of another. All of a sudden there is going to be another. And, I know that’s going to change my dynamics.
AAM: It will absolutely change the dynamics of your societies. When I have spoken of chaos and the birthing of the child, the creative chaos that comes forth in those various moments and how that family is never the same, when you are having the introduction and the presence – not merely the knowing, because you’ve had the knowing for some time – but the actual presence of your star family in your house and your community, it will change everything. And, that is why they have been so careful. They want to be welcome. They don’t want to be excluded from the family reunion.
SB: Right. If somebody from the outside, so to speak, came into the house, one would be on one’s best behavior. That would be an example of the kind of change that might happen. And, I can imagine that when we’ve gotten over our major military and other violent kinds of responses, that the introduction of the star family would have that effect on us as well. We would all drop whatever the petty bickering was that was going on and come together rather quickly.
AAM: Everyone will want to put on their best face. To be seen, not in a way that is false, because, sweet angels your best face really is who you are. You are kind. You are compassionate. You are welcoming. This is the truth of who you are and this is the truth of the sixth dimension. It is not tearing apart, it is creating. It is gathering the molecules and bringing together what you desire from that best and highest divine part of who you are.
SB: Wow. I don’t think we realize. We think of disclosure as some event that’s happening out there. Spaceships are going around and we’re watching all this and cities are springing up. But, it’s the events that are going to be happening inside.
AAM: The major event is inside. And, you are quite correct. Everyone thinks of disclosure as an event. And, in fact, they have been showing themselves increasingly, over the, especially, over the past year. But, you tend to think of it in terms of an event when, in fact, what it is is an essential shift in the paradigm of what it means to be Gaians.
SB: What it means to be humans, too. After all, it’s humans meeting humans, so, that is again going to give us some paradigm jarring moments.
AAM: It will give many pause.
SB: Yes! Lord, I think we’re close to running out of time. Why don’t we just spend a couple minutes with any news about Ascension that you’d like to bring us and then we will have to end our show today.
AAM: We will have to fly away, will we not?
SB: You and I, yes. We have a date. We are going to be at Club Sirius, are we not?
AAM: It is a date. You are doing well in terms of your ascension process. Yes, some of you are further along than others. But, let me be clear on this, there is not one of you listening, there is not one of you who will listen after the fact and in this night, that is not about 80 percent farther along than you were even several months ago. You are almost there. The tipping point has been crossed. And, when we have what you would call that critical mass, we will have that, shall we say, that snap. You are almost there.
What is the hold up? The holdup is what we have talked about in terms of the collective and that collective decision. So, we are…many of you are carrying millions with you. So, they may or may not be aware. They may or may not be interested or recalcitrant. You are bringing them along. If you have thought that it is a heavy load, you are absolutely correct. But my dear friends it is one worth carrying. So, you are almost home.
SB: That’s spectacular. Thank you very much for that. Is there anything you want to say in closing, Lord?
AAM: It is good to be back. And, it is good to see, even in what appears to be chaos, that the forward thrust is not lost. It is well underway, my friend. Take heart. Go with my love and go in peace. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
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