Monday 26 December 2016

THE MAGI ~ Rananda Kumara,


Message from Rananda Kumara

Received December 15, 2016 

Published by ranandaatchakra8

On December 25, 2016

The Magi were not “Kings” who came to attend the birth of The Christ from various distant parts of Africa and Asia. They were originally called “Wise Men” which is much closer to the truth. Those of the Magi that journeyed to attend the birth of The Christ travelled together with large trading caravans that came from the East;- from the country that is now called Iraq. They were members of an isolated community of priests/scientists/astronomers and astrologers, that studied the ancient mysteries;- somewhat akin to the Essenes. Magi is the plural of Magus. A Magus was a magician. They were regarded as magicians because of their knowledge of science, which was regarded by the man in the street, as magic. Knowledge that is hidden is “occult”, so they worked with occult knowledge, and were thus called “Magi”.

During the period when I was under the guidance of Master Kuthumi, in the late 1990s, He used to show me many of my past lives and amongst them was one where I was of the Magi. I was shown various scenes from that life, from which I was able to form a picture of my life as a Magus.

I lived in an isolated community a long way outside of the nearest town, as we were a meditative, priestly order. I was an astronomer and astrologer and my name was Balthazar. I used to walk into the town occasionally, to read the Stars for the wife of the local town governor and would be given a purse for that service, with which I would buy essential supplies and clothing that were not produced within our community. I didn’t visit the town very often as one had to pass through the main gate and there would always be a decaying corpse of a bandit tied to a post outside the gate, as a warning to others. The stench would be abominable and I would have to draw the hem of my robe over my nose until I had passed the gate. I didn’t have much sympathy for those miscreants, as they had preyed on innocent travellers and robbed them.

I was told one day by my brethren from the Stars, who frequently visited my dreams , that a great priest-king was to be born at a place, very distant from our community, in a far country known as Judea. This “King” would be someone special who came from the Stars with a great message for Humankind. On the next occasion when our council met I shared this dream message with the other members of the council. Two of the others revealed that they too had received this message, and it was decided by the council that the three of us would make the dangerous journey and carry appropriate gifts for a great king, to present to him. After this decision was taken, I received a further message from my Star Brethren. They said that they would provide a Star craft to guide us to the exact place of the birth.

My companions and I made preparation for this great journey. As I was an old man (Forty years was considered old in those days) I decided to take my son and apprentice astronomer/astrologer along with us on the journey, as it was no mean undertaking. This raised our number to four. Camels and supplies for the journey were provided for us from the community’s resources.

We set off on this great journey riding our Camels. I remember sitting on my Camel with my legs crossed in front of the wooden saddle and with a large leather bag behind me, that contained my much prized telescope (Yes, we had them in those days but they were called “Stargazers”.) We had an extra pack Camel loaded with our food and equipment. I had little experience of riding Camels as I had never been called upon to make such a long journey before, but I soon learned the trick of it. We travelled in company with large trading caravans for our mutual protection from the bands of robbers that frequented these routes. We would stop at many caravan halts and oases and sometimes join a new caravan that was going in the right direction.

When we drew near to the borders of the country of Judea, the bright light of the Star Craft that was promised appeared in the night sky and kept station ahead of us as we went. After a long journey that had lasted for several weeks, we approached the palace of the king of that region and inquired therein about the newborn “king”. We had expected that King to be born in the royal palace, but the king knew nothing of this new king that was to be born, and asked us to return that way and tell him where he could find him, so that he too might go to greet him and bring him gifts. We said that we would and went upon our way. However, we were not favourably impressed by the king of the region. He was old and sick and we feared that he would seek out the new king and kill him. We decided that we would return by a different route and avoid him. When we emerged from the royal palace, we noted that the light of the Star Craft now came from a different point in the sky and was stationary. We travelled toward it and it remained stationary. When it was directly overhead, we arrived at a cave dwelling. This dwelling had two floors;- on the upper floor were housed a farmer and his family, and on the lower floor their animals were kept in their stalls. We asked about the newborn and were shown to a place on the ground floor where we were introduced to Mariah, (MA RA JA – meaning;- “The Light Of The Divine Mother In Manifestation”, according to the Sacred Syllables of her name);- the mother of the “King”. This gracious lady who could not have had more than sixteen years, went and brought her son into our presence. He was not newborn and his eyes were open, and were of a beautiful Sapphire Blue colour, but this was not the most noticeable thing about him. His face seemed to radiate a soft light and there was a perceptible halo around his head. 
I sensed the presence of Angels above and around him. We knelt before him and Blessed him in our own language. Then we gave the gifts that we had brought to his mother to keep for him. His father was not present and we assumed that he was at his work in another place. As we withdrew, a subtle voice sounded in my head saying;- “We will meet again”. 

During our return journey, our caravan was attacked by bandits and in defending ourselves, my son was killed and my left arm was badly slashed by a sword. My artery was cut and I died from loss of blood before it could be dressed.

In my next life, I “walked-in” to a man named John (Jahanan)who was actually born before the birth of the “King” that I had attended as a Wise Man. (A walk-in is by mutual agreement of the Souls involved.) My brother James (who was also a walk-in) and I had been specially trained in the etheric retreat of Archangel Michael before we walked-in, to be the protective “Eagles” for Lord Jeshua who was the “King”. James was the same Soul who had been my son and apprentice in my previous life as a Wise Man. That Soul was a Soul Mate who had been with me in various relationships in many of my other lives. We and several others of Jeshua’s close followers, were Kumarans from the higher dimensions of the planet Venus.

When Yeshua came to the river Jordan to be baptized by John The Baptist , we asked Him if we could become His disciples and He said;- “Yes, but it will be tough.”— We HAD “met again” as he had foretold when we visited His birth as Wise Men. James and I became His first disciples and protected Him throughout His mission on the Earth, but that is another story.

Rananda Kumara;
Adonai, on 15th December 2016.

With much Love from Rananda.

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