By The Arcturians — Through Suzanne Lie
Possible Phases of Ascension
January 4, 2017

note that these phases overlap within what you perceive as “time.” Furthermore,
not everyone will go through every cycle of this process, and some of you will
go through the process in a different order.
we present here is a “possible Path of Ascension.” Since Gaia is a free-will
planet, all of you can use your free will to create your version of your Path of Ascension. Hence, we
present the below Path of Ascension as a “possible reality.”
ONE of you on Gaia’s planet can enter the flow of this “path.” Many will, and
many will not. Every one of you, even those lost to darkness and power over
others, is called. However, the frequency of your consciousness dictates
whether or not you will recognize, hear, see, and/or accept this call.
this message mean that every one of you can ascend now? The answer is that
everyone could always ascend once you were complete with your “reason for
embodiment” and complete with your experience of “taking an earth vessel to
assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.”
who seek personal ascension because they “want to leave the planet” will not
ascend because they have forgotten that they chose to come to Gaia to assist
with planetary ascension. Therefore, they chose
to expand their Multidimensional SELF down into the frequency of the third
As a
component of your choice to take an earth vessel in this NOW, you went through
a “lives review” in which you viewed, and often visited, ALL of your past,
present and future incarnations.
remember that from your fifth dimensional and beyond perspective, you are free
of time and space. Hence, you can observe all the third dimensional incarnations
that you have had, will be having, and are NOW having.
you observe and study the incarnations that you have already taken on Gaia, you
are asked to collect all that you have learned in your many visits to 3D Earth.
You are then called upon to determine what you have learned, what you have not
learned, and what you wish to learn in your upcoming incarnation or during your
ascension process.
are many of you who no longer needed to “learn” by taking a physical
incarnation, but you wanted take an earth vessel to “assist Gaia” with Her
planetary ascension. In fact, there are many Ascended Masters, Kumara leaders,
Angels, and higher dimensional beings from other planets and star systems that
have chosen to take an earth vessel to assist Gaia with Her Planetary
of these Higher Beings are honored to assist the brave planetary being known as
Gaia. Gaia has taken on the great challenge of being a “polarized into
time/space” and “free will” planet so that Her humans could learn through the
process of cause and effect.
other words, one of greatest lessons to be learned on Earth is that You are the
Cause of whatever Effects your life.
knew that being a free will planet, based on the separation of individuality,
could be very dangerous. However, Gaia has her dear sister planet Venus to
assist her. However, her brother Mars has had many problems with the Dark Ones
who have been using his planet as a format for “power over others.”
once Venus assists Gaia to ascend, that “ascension energy field” will be shared
with Mars. We remind you that planets are live beings. Those of you who expand
your consciousness into the frequency range of the fifth dimension and beyond,
will KNOW that fact within your heart and mind.
you “know” within your heart and mind that Gaia is a living being, you are no
longer bound to the illusions of third dimensional “science.” This science has
been under the harsh command of the Illuminati since the fall of Atlantis. Gaia
was so injured from the fall of Lemuria, and then the fall of Atlantis, that
She is still recovering.
are speaking to you in this manner because it is the NOW for our ascending ones
to realize that planets are living beings. All “primitive” cultures and
cultures who “lived off the land” were aware of that fact.
as the Illuminati indoctrinated humanity, these “civilized ones” came to
believe that the planet was a thing that they could use and destroy in any
manner that they wished. Fortunately, more and more humans are realizing that
Gaia is their living Mother Planet.
realization that planet Earth is a living being expands your consciousness
enough that you can share your personal ascension process with Gaia’s planetary
ascension. This energy field of personal and planetary ascension is based on
unconditional love for ALL life.
Life includes planet Earth and ALL her beings from the tallest mountain to the
smallest insect, as well as from the greatest leaders to the newborn infants.
All life ON Earth is a member of Gaia’s
Earth body. Gaia does not prioritize who is more evolved or what is less
is a constant for Gaia, which contains many peaks, as well as many valleys. In
fact, the more that you can expand your consciousness into the higher
dimensions of reality, the more you can experience and respect the smallest
that rather long introduction, we Arcturians will present to you the “possible
phases of ascension.” We say “possible phases,” as evolving humanity is
constantly breaking through, pushing aside, and moving through the many
limitations that the Dark Ones have created.
Illuminati is quite surprised by the tenacity and courage of modern day humanity.
They are also very frightened by humanity’s Unity Consciousness. Unity
Consciousness allows positive thoughts, emotions, ideas, and actions to
progress logarithmically.
of the inner power that is dedicated
to Gaia expanding form 1 person to 2 people, to three people, this inner power
is expanded from 1 person to 2 people, to 4 people, to 8 people, to 16 people
etc. etc. However, much like any “journey up hill,” ascension is most difficult
at the beginning of the process.
as you bond with the trail, the plants, the animals, the earth, the sky, the
clouds, the insects, you are no longer “taking the journey.” Instead, you are
“BEING the journey.” Whenever you deeply bond your consciousness within the NOW
of any person, place, situation, desire, and/or thing, your consciousness
expands into your “Fifth dimensional Operating System.”
fifth dimension activates your ongoing progression into a totally new operating
system for life. As your daily, even mundane, thoughts and emotions begin to
resonate to the fifth dimensional HERE and NOW, the many delays and problems of
“time” leave the “space” of your mental and emotional processing.
transmutation into your fifth dimensional processing of reality can be
difficult for the “first ones through,” as you will be over-riding the 3D laws
of time and space. Your perceptions of reality will no longer be guided by time
and space.
your perceptions will be guided by the frequency rate of your HERE and NOW of
your Higher Self who is looking down in frequency and through the chaos of
Gaia’s change.
you may often feel the “ascension symptoms” of being “ungrounded.” Or you may perceive
reality in a manner that others cannot understand. The reason for these
symptoms is usually because YOU have spent:
years of Study
years of Service to Others
years of Service to Gaia
years of facing your darkness
years of releasing your desire to “just get out of here”
years of communicating with the light
years of documenting and sharing your multidimensional experiences
years of initiations to transmute and unconditionally love yourself and others
years of connecting to, and communicating with, your Higher SELF
years of sharing these experiences with others
years of being a leader and teaching others
greatest challenge is that “the darkest night is just before dawn.”
there is a final initiation in which
you will be called on to:
Love yourself unconditionally
Forgive yourself
yourself unconditionally
will then be called upon to Unconditionally Love, Forgive, and Accept all life,
including your enemies and members of the “power over others” group. If you
look into the lives of ALL the Ascended Masters, you will see that they took a
version of this Path, in which they needed to Love, Forgive and Accept
themselves and others UNCONDITIONALLY.
‘modern humans” may think that because they were incarnated into a modern
world, that they do not need to follow the Path of Ascension laid out by all
the Ascended Masters of the past. The Ascended Masters of your “past” followed a
version of this Ascension Path according to their time and the culture into
which they took that embodiment.
is the same within this NOW, but different cultures perceive reality in a
different manner. Hence, they will perceive ascension in a slightly different
manner. But for all cultures, many of the rules of the past will NOW need to be
updated to fit the unique situation of Planetary Ascension.
world has greatly changed over the last 2000 years. Many possible realities of
planetary ascension came and left. Only a few humans could acknowledge these
possible realities, and even less of them could follow that path of ascension. But
now, something is very different!
and more members of humanity who are able to return to the “primitive belief” that
people and planet are ONE. More and more humans are remembering that they are a
Multidimensional Being who resonates into the fifth dimension and far beyond.
more and more people are remembering that Gaia’s Earth is a Multidimensional,
living Being who resonates to the fifth dimension and far beyond. Therefore, we
say, “YOU, People and Planet, ARE NOT ALONE.
higher dimensional members of your Multidimensional SELF are here to assist
you, AND Gaia’s higher dimensional expression of Her Planetary SELF is here to
assist Her.
as Gaia’s planetary self exists in the fifth dimension and beyond, your human
self exists in the fifth dimension and beyond. This ancient information has
been hidden from you by the forces of darkness, who will NOT be able to ascend
into the fifth dimension and beyond.
humanoids, as they are not truly humans, know that their “power over others”
and “service to self” will not allow them to ascend into a fifth dimensional
lightbody. They are also aware that if they do not have a fifth dimensional
lightbody, they cannot attach their essence to fifth dimensional Earth.
low frequency of mind, heart, and body will NOT allow them to even perceive
fifth dimensional Earth, much less be able to unite with Her. Most of these
“service to self” beings have had “control over others” for all, or most, of
their incarnation. Therefore, they will not be able to change within the
impending NOW of ascension.
have “failed” the 3D Class of Planet
Earth. In fact, they have failed the 4D
Class of planet Earth. Therefore, they will not be able to graduate into
the 5D Class of planet Earth.
Instead, they will find themselves in the lowest frequency of the Lower fourth
dimension of Earth.
that “reality” will soon be closing too. Hence, if they do not raise their
consciousness into at least the 4D Class
of planet Earth, which will remain open for a limited amount of time, they
will find themselves in the Lower Astral Plane of the fourth dimension.
4D class will only be opened for a
limited time because “the experience of the fourth dimension” is dependent on
one's state of consciousness. Hence, those who cannot even maintain a fourth
dimensional state of consciousness will fall into the depths of the “Lower
Astral Plane.”
Lower Astral Plane is Gaia’s “dump yard.” Since Gaia is in the process of
ascension, Her Lower Astral Plane will also be closing. Then, those who still
resonate to the low frequency of “power over others” will be re-located to
another planet’s “dump yard.” Many members of the Illuminati have had
incarnation after incarnation without finding their own inner light.
some of the Illuminati’s children have expanded their consciousness enough to
graduate into the 4D Class of planet
Earth. Some may even be able to eventually ascend into the 5D Class of planet Earth.
of these “children of the Illuminati” were kind and loving Souls who
volunteered to see if they could heal the Illuminati from the inside. They were
unable to achieve that goal, but they will be able to perceive, as well as
join, the ascension experience that most of their Illuminati family will miss.
wish to remind you that the ascension process is NOT in alignment with 3D time.
Ascension is usually a slow process of logging out of your third and fourth
dimensional thoughts, feelings, perceptions, experiences, and time zones.
our dear ascending ones, are “learning as you go” how to initiate and
participate in the process of a planetary ascension. Some of you were able to
participate in the planetary ascension of Venus, and you will be called on to
remember that experience.
have participated in the ascension of Lemuria and Atlantis. We ask that you go
back into your deepest memory to remember those incarnations as well. As you
remember these experiences, please share them as widely as possible.
more and more of humanity remembers how certain areas of Earth were saved from
destruction by raising Gaia’s resonance into the fifth dimension, humanity will
be more informed regarding the process of ascension.
closing, we remind you that many ascended beings live within the Core of Gaia.
More and more Ascended Masters, Kumaras (such as Sanat Kumara), Angels, and
Extra-terrestrials are joining the ascended Lemurians and Atlantians who keep
their fifth dimensional essence in constant connection with Gaia’s core.
is for this reason that Gaia’s Core already resonates to the fifth dimension.
In the same manner, your humanoid body holds the key to your ascension within
your force of Kundalini, (the Sleeping Serpent in your first chakra) which
awaits your flash into ascension.
you ready? Is Gaia ready? Go inside to find your
from the Arcturians
To find out more about Atlantis, please see:Visions From Venus
As well as: Reconstructing Reality
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