To All Light-Workers:
What A Rough Start To 2017’s (1) Energy and The Crazy Events, The Situations, The Symptoms That Have Come Along For The Ride.
By Mikey Murdock
January 7, 2017
2017’s Energetic Download continues & What A Rough Start To It
You know – about two days ago i was thinking that my work on here was done, and that i no longer needed to write anything else: because i felt like i had written everything i felt i was suppose to write. Boy was i wrong. If anything in 2017 (1) i need to discuss, write, spread, talk about, bring to everyone attention, so many more topics, subjects, and situations that i’m experiencing on a daily basis. Some of these situtions have been NEW – some of the events i’ve experienced have been something entirely NEW – the majority of it has been what i’ve experienced myself on a Physical and Molecular level – while some of it has happened on anAstral/Etheric level.
Before i explain in detail some of the thing’s I’ve been feeling, seeing, hearing, sensing, and what’s been happening, let me just say that it’s so absolutely imperative for everyone to understand that the light is so NEEDED right now. With all the darkness i sense spreading, with all the division, with all of the carelessness and hate being flung around, (I – You – We) NEED to shine bright and more than ever right now, by remaining high in frequency. The first thing i sensed as we entered 2017 (1) was that (The unification Download) was merging our higher selves into our lower physical bodies like never before, and that the darkness in everyone (myself included) has been cleansing itself like crazy and it continues even now in early Janruary 2017. So all the physical pains, and all of the dark thought’s coming up to the surface are being cleansed.
2017 (1) has started off extremely rough, it’s been rough – not necessarily horrible or awful, but on a physical level i’m pulsating and throbbing all over my body much more on a daily basis than ever before. This is us being thrown into NEW territory, and once we get settled vibrationally we’ll start to feel the lighter side of where we are now that we’ve moved into a 1 year. Hang on tight – because it seems physically painful now, but when doesn’t it? Each Light-Wave, Shift, Download, Integration, we experience it always ends up feeling like this. Just focus on how good it feels energetically, once it’s over. Lately it’s felt a lot better, after 999 last year – I’ve been able to leave the house without it feeling so down right dense. Then in November that changed and it got really dense to the point where i couldn’t get out, and it’s slightly lifted over the course of us entering 2017 and it’s new energy.
This has been my experience with the recent energies, it’s been a bit up/down and some days have certainly been better than other’s. However expect thng’s to get lighter in 2017, to get more intense, and expect to experience many new and challenging things during this new year. However if you did your work, survived 2016, then you know what you have to do in order to remain light and love.
Janruary Astral Projection Event & The Beam Of Light Entering Me Via The Heart Chakra
This is where all the NEW for me personally begins, in all it’s light, glory, and oddness. I say oddness because it’s the first time i’ve experienced anything like this while Astral projecting. I felt the need to share this because i’m pretty sure i’m not the only Light-Worker who has had this experience before. I also feel the need to share it, so that those who do, and are freaked out about it might start looking at it in a new multi-dimensional way. Everything we experience moment to moment, is Multi-Dimensional, so we have to start looking, thinking, and feeling the moments we live in such ways. However, of course there is no proper or exact way to react to anything once it’s done the first time. Every-one has different ways of reacting to something they experience, especially for the very first time.
My emotional reaction to this particular Astral Projection experience was one of (calmness, observation, and indifference – i wasn’t plagued with fear while it was happening.) If anything i was more of a witness with no real opinion on what was happening to me. I knew that i was Being Shown something very important, something that i hadn’t seen before from that angle, or perspective before. So instead of knowing, feeling the downloads, i was being shown what it looks like while it happened to me. It’s like i said – Multidimensional – there are so many aspects to any such experience and or event.
On the night of Jan 1st – leading into the night of Jan 2nd, i was laying in bed sleeping off the download from the 111 Portal/Gateway. I had a hard few days the eve of New year, into the new year and the energies were making me feel uncomfortable and also tired and achy.I experienced an astral projection event while in my room. I had no idea what time it was, and when your having higher multidimensional experiences, time seems to always be the last thing you would notice. I had astral projected to the right side of my body as it laid still on the bed. My body wasn’t moving – in fact it looked strange, it had no movement, it looked stiff, and i found that i didn’t look like myself. Then from the ceiling came down a beam of light like a pillar, a big bright pillar of light, and it had entered through my Heart Chakra into my body. I remained beside my own body (Which i still laugh about) for about a minute watching this beam of light enter the centre of my chest, and i remember thinking “What’s that Light?” I knew what was going on, despite not having been given any knowledge of it before hand. It just felt like an inner knowing. However at the same time i just had no idea what the light was doing entering my body.The astral projection event ended soon after this after a minute of me witnessing this – then i was back inside my Mikey body.
As you can see my physical response to this was a little bit different. I need to point out that I’ve Astral Projected myself many places, and I’ve been in the Astral relams many times, and I’ve encountered the beams of Light pouring down as well. However while being in my physical body. So these experiences were not all new to me. However witnessing the download take place, while i Astral projected now that’s a very NEW experience.
The Pillar Of Light that i’m speaking about, is the light energy, the energy we are all downloaded with during these portals, gateways, Light-waves. Usually I’ll see the Light-Beams or Pillars Of Light in my room, or in various places while i’m out in the world. This is another aspect of theNEW and one that i’ve been seeing for quite some time. If your seeing these Beams Of Light, as they come down from the sky or the etheric plane, you are literally seeing the light in a physical form while it enters this earth plane at this time. How are you seeing these shapes of pillars of lights? It has too do with the upgrades we are receiving in the Brain/Pineal Gland Reigion as well as the Face, jaw, nose, and eyes upgrades we are receiving.
There are many thing’s going on right now, to me, to you, to all on earth right now. That is so new, so different, and unimaginable, but it’s happening and thank Source/Creator that it is. We all wanted more freedom, more hope, more light, and the Aquarian Age to begin and that’s exactly what we’re getting.
Ascension Symptoms & Latest Bodily Modifications
I’m not in anyway a NEWBIE when it comes to the dreaded Ascension Symptoms – i can flat out say that evolution is a nasty bitch. It’s not just a nasty one, it’s ruthless! However i love evolution with all my heart, because it’s nice to be somebody NEW when your learning more about yourself, growing when you stop the old forms of thinking and being and existing. However let’s get honest here, Physical upgrades are painful. They really know how to change you, but they also really know how to impair you. I think ( as i look back) over the last 3/4 years of my journey, and i’d say about a year or more of that time frame; that i’ve become impaired with the sudden inability to walk much, move much, catch my breath much, or go anywhere, do anything, try to pretend i care about getting my life in order in the 3D form. (Driver License, health card, payments, work) it doesn’t work for me on some days, and it’s a true testament to my own mission and what i’m doing here. Once your on the Ascension Process – your continued growth and evolution is the only important thing. Your Ascension Process becomes in-charge not the man-made faculties, systems of this planet.
I’ve had days where i’ve had to actually choose between being at home and upgrading – over whether i could upgrade and go to work. The most important thing for me has been, my mission first, then work second. I don’t make work my first prioriety – i make my evolutionary process my first prioriety. I’ll include work as a secondary thing, if i have upgrades happening and i can go in to work on certain days i go in, but if it’s too much going on in too many chakra reigons i call in sick and that’s that. This is how i’ve conducted my self, this is how i live with myself, and this is how i choose to live my ascension path. My growth and evolution first; everything else get’s chosen into my reality and it’s not and nor will it ever be for me the other way around. My growth and evolution last and all the 3D shit first. Hell no, just hell no to that!
This month has been tough when it comes to these Ascension symptoms, because i’m feeling nearly every single one of them. However there are oddly enough a few older ones that i felt at the start of my awakening, that are now coming back full force. Frequent sharp Headaches, cluster headaches, whole brain/Pineal Gland pains – it’s been moving around my head in a circular motion as well. It’ll go around and around my head. I know these mean more head re-wiring is going on, more left/right side of the brain is merging more into one whole big brain. We are beginning to use more and more of our brains – as we evolve, and believe me there is more to be merged in the coming years. I got hit new years eve with Hot Flashes, body heat, Kundalini Rising – this hasn’t happened to me in a very long time. I used to get these when i was burning off mountains and mountains of old DNA templates, codes, memories, karmic residue, old wounds in my body that needed to be released and cleansed. That same night i got hit withStomache Aches, Loose Bowels, and Fear being released through the Solar Plexus chakra. We carry with us tremendous codes, patterns, and DNA that is filled with parasitic emotions which include fear of just about anything and everything. The stomach area – indeed is where we carry our life force, however it’s where our fear is released through our DNA. These are the old Ascension Symptoms i’ve felt. Some more include, and i know many of you all have been feeling these. Ear Ringing, Flu Symptoms, Hot Feet especially at the bottom right in the centre ( this is kundalini) Left Leg Pains, Whole Body Aches, Cold & Chills running through the body, Bloated & Achy face (Which include sinus issues) my face get’s so bloated and stuffed up it feels like it’s been slapped around by Mike Tyson.
The most important ones have included Greater enhanced Psychic abilities (such as) mind reading, sensing energy within people, looking through people into their souls, knowing life events from people (Important life events) telepathic communication has gotten stronger and not just with beings of Light, those of the dark ones have been taunting me, and showing up at random points on several days. I’ve been having some serious Dreams, Negative dreams, Nightmares, Dreams of Natural Disasters, Dreams Where I’m in other dimensions, Dreams where i’m in different parts of the world. It’s getting bad, and it’s not been quite like this ever. My dreams are flat out f**ked up! I had an astral experience where i was in some part of the world and there was a tornado going on, and then there was a small sized earthquake/tremor that happened right after it. So i’ve obviously been doing out of body work, in areas of the world where potential for natural disasters could happen.
The ascension symptom that i’ve been plagued with the most since the end of December 2016, has been exhaustion. I don’t think i’ve ever been so tired, or wanted to sleep as much as i have through-out this entire period. All that i can say is take very good care of your mind, your body, and your energy at this time. This upgrade is not like anything we have experienced before, and i don’t think anyone in the history of the world is experienceing what we are right now in this time.
Light and Love

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