Real Time Astrology:
January 2017
January 7, 2017

Water, water everywhere. January 2017 is dominated by a Pisces stellium, waterlogging the psychosphere. Everything is being absorbed at the expense of mental and emotional health, clarity and direction. A recent blog comment sums up the current underlying mood circulating unspoken:
“Yeah could we just all stop and sum up the situation where it’s now that life is really useless and horrible because the energies pounding the living hell out of everyone in Nov and Dec are almost inexplicable. Just a wipeout. Categorical demolition of almost all phases of life. Leaves you with just rubble and crumbs and ashes. Life from 2012-2016 has been ruthless and horrible. How about just saying that. So terrible. Not learning a damn thing, just getting tortured.”
Few would say this aloud, but I know many are feeling it. The Pisces stellium -consisting of Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron, and the South Node- is throwing a lot of emotional overload at us all at once. Pisces ruling planet Neptune will be at 9 degrees until January 12th, the same degree it has occupied since late September. No quick fixes to the torment. While we do have a cardinal T-square involving Uranus in Aries, Jupiter in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn agitating us, urging us to act, our actions can seem to be self defeating or pointless under the Pisces stellium.
January is a month of really taking good care of ourselves and each other. Physically, watch out for issues involving: water retention/edema, infection, problems involving the circulatory, urinary and lymphatic systems, and feet/ankle issues. Mars conjunct Chiron on Monday, January 16th looks like a particularly big “ouch!”. Mentally and emotionally, watch for burnout, depression, and failing to see the point of any of this anymore. Rest, sleep, and try to remind yourself and others that this, too, shall (hopefully) pass.
Mercury stations direct on Sunday, January 8th (3:43 AM CST), ending a downright brutal Mercury retrograde. Mercury will station direct at 28 degrees Sagittarius, the sign of Mercury’s detriment. Remember that just because the retrograde has ended that communication will not be back up to proper speed right away; in fact the confusion of the retrograde may be compounded when Mercury turns direct as a result of trying to process the magnitude of what was uncovered during the retrograde. This, too, adds an extra layer of heaviness. Mercury re-enters Capricorn Thursday, January 12th and much needed mental focus and discipline returns.
On January 11th, as Neptune prepares to actually move again, Mars in Pisces will sextile Pluto in Capricorn and the Sun in Capricorn will sextile Chiron in Pisces, a day of learning to find positive use for the emotional waterlogging. Sun squares the Jupiter-Uranus opposition the same day, agitating the cardinal T-square so don’t be surprised to see people acting on their emotions where they couldn’t before. This can be good, bad and everything in between. This is a prelude to the Full Moon in Cancer on January 12th which will pack a hell of a punch.
The Sun enters Aquarius on Thursday, January 19th (3:24 PM) which should help us detach a bit, but leading up to this is Mars in Pisces square Saturn in Sagittarius at 23 degrees each sign. That too is brutal physically, austere emotionally and potentially dangerous. Venus conjunct Chiron at 22 degrees Pisces January 24th/25th and square Saturn January 27th (same day as Aquarius New Moon) is going to be painful in more intimate ways, such as in relationships and our self worth. Some quite negative feelings about love will be circulating and while they shouldn’t be ignored, they shouldn’t be given undue importance, either. It’s also an epically bad time to get a haircut or makeover, lest you get stuck with a look you can’t fix quickly.
By January 27th/28th, Mars will enter its domicile (home sign) of Aries, where it will stay until March 9th. This will considerably inject some much needed vim and vigor to body and spirit. Mercury in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto January 28th/29th, and we end the month with cemented, solid information and the gumption to act on it. February sees the 2017 eclipse season starting up again, so January is yet another month of operating under the illusion that nothing is happening, only to be startled when things start moving again.
Discernment is recommended.
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