New Moon, New Year
Rewriting the Future in 2017
(Astrology Update)
By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone,
Wake Up World
December 31, 2016

The last lunar cycle, which began on November 30th’s New Moon in Sagittarius, created the energetic backdrop through which we recently experienced a powerful need for freedom, which in turn, has brought to the surface deep feelings of frustration and restriction. Although these feelings ultimately lead us back to desiring and creating essential change, we are walking the line between liberty and limitation — and creating transformation from this space is not an easy ride!
Thankfully, this month’s new lunar cycle, which commenced with Thursday’s New Moon in Capricorn, offers some support. We are being given the opportunity to revise how we respond to our fears, darkness and suffering — the things that both feed and are fed by our sense of frustration and limitation — learnings that enable us to rewrite our future and literally become the change.
Uranus goes Direct
Bringing fire to our hearts
Energetically speaking, Uranus’s change in direction from a retrograde to a direct motion is in synchronicity with this month’s New Moon in Capricorn, and points to a very important shift in our human evolution. Uranus plays an important role in helping us see things from different perspectives, which helps us to identify and break free from our own personal limitations. Over the last 5 months, the cycle of Uranus retrograde has been an intense one, raising questions and helping us uproot the emotional and psychological patterns that are keeping us feeling ‘stuck’ and preventing us from experiencing life in true liberation.
Now, as Uranus moves direct, we will begin to find both the support and the opportunities we need to create more innovative solutions to our lives.
The energy of Saturn (associated with restriction and limitation) also works in connection with Uranus (liberation), and the current cycle of Saturn and Uranus is currently forming a very powerful Trine alignment which will continue to support our quest for liberation throughout 2017. This is a time in which we will find many creative solutions, and begin to create more meaningful experiences in our personal and collective lives.
Mercury Retrograde Conjunct the New Moon in Capricorn
Nourishing an awakening collective
Whenever the Sun or any planet travels through the frequency of Capricorn (self-determination), a heavy energy begins to descend on our hearts and psyches. This heaviness can pull us into a very slow and contemplative emotional process. As difficult as this process can be, we begin to awaken a very deep and profound part of our emotional nature when we tune into its purpose, and the purpose of the Capricorn archetype.

polarity of Capricorn is Cancer (the inner emotional world). We connect
to the external world (Capricorn) through our inner emotional worlds
(Cancer). Through this polarity, the Capricorn frequency helps us
connect with and ground our emotional nature and, through this process,
we establish an integrated soul connection, our emotions acting as both
the bridge between the inner and outer worlds and our guide to
navigating them.
So, as we enter this month’s new lunar cycle, marked by the New Moon in Capricorn, we begin to have questions and themes come up for us relating to our emotional reality. With Mercury now halfway through its retrograde motion, we are being asked to look at old emotional patterns and the psychological attachments we have to them, and to truly take stock of our emotional being.
This may seem to us like a very heavy transit, filled with feelings of futility and hopelessness. It can be easy to fall into a state of feeling this struggle will never end. But remember, this feeling is itself a mechanic of the Capricorn frequency. For now, it’s about sitting tight, feeling what you feel, releasing old crystallised patterns as they arise, and simply remaining still. Capricorn brings us tremendous insight and clarity when we work with this frequency, we just have to be still for a while to truly benefit from its lessons.
So, as we enter this month’s new lunar cycle, marked by the New Moon in Capricorn, we begin to have questions and themes come up for us relating to our emotional reality. With Mercury now halfway through its retrograde motion, we are being asked to look at old emotional patterns and the psychological attachments we have to them, and to truly take stock of our emotional being.
This may seem to us like a very heavy transit, filled with feelings of futility and hopelessness. It can be easy to fall into a state of feeling this struggle will never end. But remember, this feeling is itself a mechanic of the Capricorn frequency. For now, it’s about sitting tight, feeling what you feel, releasing old crystallised patterns as they arise, and simply remaining still. Capricorn brings us tremendous insight and clarity when we work with this frequency, we just have to be still for a while to truly benefit from its lessons.
Venus in Aquarius and Mars in Pisces
Emotional transparency
Venus is moving through the end of its transit through Aquarius, a transit that has been supporting the integration of themes and insights brought on by Uranus’s recent ‘change in direction’ vibe. Taking months and, in some cases, years to transit the signs of the zodiac, the outer planets play a big role in shifting and reflecting our collective experience of reality — thus, the way we connect with the energy of transpersonal outer planets is through the personal inner planets of Venus and Mars.
Venus’s movement through Aquarius has promoted the need for emotional awareness and transparency, which can be a tough experience but is absolutely essential, and ultimately makes us feel lighter. With Mars just entering Pisces and making a connection with both Neptune and the South Node of the Moon (both in Pisces), we are being invited to look at old outdated emotional realities and not only dissolve the patterns and limitations associated with them, but to also let go of what they once provided for us. This transit synchronises perfectly with the current Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn, the combined effect of which will take us back to our experiences over the last three months and beyond, and review what they mean(t) for us.
By the time Mercury goes Direct on January 26th, Mars will be at the final degree of Pisces. This will signal a new phase of emotional growth throughout 2017, a year that is set to bring enormous personal growth and collective transition that may be scary and exciting at the same time, but will bring us to a much lighter way of being.
The Moon’s Message: Rewriting the Future
As we begin to realise the truth of our reality — that we are more than our physical perception — we begin to experience life through the duality of ego and soul. We see how the ego leads our human experience and our souls deepen our connection to the Source, and for many, we focus our energy on one layer or another. However, each layer — Ego, Soul and Source — are all vitally important for our evolution and every aspect is just as realand valid a part of our human experience as the other. It is only through our human experience, and our human limitations and mortality, that we can experience the depths of our being, and ultimately, feel how deeply we love.
The paradoxical nature of our being is that all suffering we experience is rooted in the core wound of our perceived separation, and yet, no matter how deeply we know that this separation is an illusion, our ego cannot experience itself in any other way. In physical form, we will always know the limitation and pain of life. Our soul evolves through the human experience and our growing awareness IS our experience. That is what we came here for.

So, as we open ourselves more to the true love of our being, it becomes increasingly painful to see the suffering in this world, and in ourselves. Our face pressed up against the window of duality, the need for shadow work becomes more intense as our hearts expand and in parallel, our pain is felt deeper, just as is our love. With our sensitivity increasing, it can become unbearable to witness the state of the world as well as the darkness we must process in and around ourselves. And that sensitivity cannot be healed, or transcended. It is our nature. It is our asset. And it is our motivation — to bring the polarity to the light, to give meaning to the pain; not to remove it but to honour it as our compass.
Take the pain, the suffering, the loss and fear, take the guilt and shame the ignorance, and bring it to light. Honour the presence of the shadow. Give it a voice so that it can be seen in the light. Integrate it into your life, share it, and show it. Give thanks that it feeds your human soul with awareness of its own desires, and reveals the polarity of this reality to you. To you — the timeless, forgiving, courageous, understanding, aware, all-loving, and self-luminous being that you are.
As 2017 begins, we are being given the opportunity to learn new ways to respond to our darkness and pain, thereby rewriting our script for the future. Are you ready to be the change in 2017?
Simon & Jennifer
About the authors:

Simon Vorster is an evolutionary astrologer and teacher who has been practising astrology for over 11 years. Together with his partner and co-founder of Raising Vibrations, Jennifer Langstone, their work is rooted in helping souls de-condition the self and empower the soul into making new conscious choices. Through the website, Raising Vibrations Astrology, and the consulting services they offer, Simon and Jennifer share their thoughts and insights and, using the powerful tool of evolutionary astrology, help and guide others to find their own spiritual paths, live authentically in the moment and understand ways they are able to positively effect their own spiritual evolution.
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You can learn more about evolutionary astrology in these articles:
- Cleaning the Lens – an Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology
- Understanding Your Sun and Moon Signs in Astrology
- The Astrology of Relationships: Understanding Mars and Venus in Your Birth Chart
- Evolutionary Astrology: Understanding Our Ancestral Timeline
- Saturn Return – The Cycle of Maturation
- Understanding Mercury Retrograde in Astrology
- Saturn in Sagittarius — Exploring Humanity’s Limitations and Potentials
- Introduction to ‘Uranus Opposition’ in Astrology – The Call to Awaken the Higher Self
- The Evolutionary Intention of the ‘Pluto in Scorpio’ Generation: 1983–1995
- New Moon in Sagittarius: Between Liberty and Limitation
- Non-Attachment: Riding the Flow of the Universe (Astrology Update)
- New Moon in Scorpio – Emerging from the Cocoon of Transformation
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